Why do I need a Power of Attorney?

Why do I need a Power of Attorney?

Everys solicitors act for a wide range of individuals both in relation to ordinary, enduring and lasting powers of attorney.  The ideal position is to assist individuals in preparing legal documents prior to any diagnosis of dementia.  However, we are often contacted when the family reach a critical point and a dementia diagnosis has been…

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Pre-Nuptial Agreements

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

It is not the most romantic topic to discuss when you have just become engaged but you may need to consider whether a Pre-Nuptial agreement is something that you might need to discuss with your fiancé. It might be a second marriage, or it might be you have inherited, say, the family farm and in…

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Christmas Arrangements for Separated Families

Christmas Arrangements for Separated Families

Now that we are in November, it is time to reach an agreement with your former partner about the arrangements for the children at Christmas. It may well be that you are simply alternating the arrangements from last Christmas but what if you only separated from your partner this year, and this Christmas will be…

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